Top K-12 Schools in Delaware
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Long Neck Elementary School Millsboro, DEK-5 693
W.T. Chipman Middle School Harrington, DE6-8 934
Joseph M. McVey Elementary School Newark, DEK-5 343
W. Reily Brown Elementary School Dover, DE1-5 541
Hartly Elementary School Hartly, DEK-4 261
Smyrna High School Smyrna, DE9-12 1722
Milford Christian School Milford, DEK-12 110
Early College High School Dover, DE9-12 342
Smyrna Elementary School Smyrna, DEK-3 453
Smyrna Middle School Smyrna, DE7-8 1077
Georgetown Middle School Georgetown, DE6-8 899
William Penn High School New Castle, DE9-12 2270
Austin D. Baltz Elementary School Wilmington, DEK-5 549
Talley Middle School Wilmington, DE6-8 836
Greenwood Mennonite School Greenwood, DEPK, K-12 212
Delmar Middle School Delmar, DEPK, 5-8 751
Howard High School of Technology Wilmington, DE9-12 878
Lake Forest High School Felton, DE9-12 847
North Smyrna Elementary School Smyrna, DEPK, K-3 514
Campus Community School Dover, DEK-8 397